Young members

Rainbows (4-7 years)

Rainbows are our youngest members and are aged between 4 and 7.

Rainbows has an exciting programme for members to learn and grow through having fun, learning new skills and going on adventures – both in their regular meetings and at special events.

They get their hands dirty, whether that is learning life skills, getting in touch with nature, doing arts and crafts or playing games with friends.

A big part of Rainbows is earning badges. They can gain interest badges for everything from Recycling and Construction to Storytelling and being an Animal Lover. They can also start their Skills Builder journey and work towards six different Theme Awards earning them their Rainbow Gold Award which shows their commitment and encourages pride in their achievements.

Brownies (7-10 years)

Brownies are aged between 7 and 10 and introduces members to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun.

They get together with their Brownie friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, get creative, develop skills and have outdoor adventures. Girls can also get the chance to go along to holidays, day trips and sleepovers. To encourage teamwork and leadership skills as well as independence, they work in small groups called Sixes which are led by a Brownie ‘Sixer’ and ‘Seconder.’

A big part of Brownies is earning badges. They can gain interest badges for everything from Aviation and Speaking Out to Baking and Mindfulness. They can continue working on their Skills Builder journey and work towards six different Theme Awards earning them their Brownie Gold Award.

Guides (10-14 years)

Guides are aged between 10 and 14 and is all about having the chance to challenge themselves, develop new skills, make change and most importantly have fun!

As well as regular weekly meetings, girls will have adventures out and about in their local areas or further a field, get the chance to go away on camps or holidays and maybe even travel abroad. Girls help choose the activities they do in meetings and are encouraged to work together and lead in small groups named Patrols.

A big part of Guides is earning badges. They can gain interest badges for everything from Whittling and Campaigning to Photography and Confectionary. They can continue working on their Skills Builder journey and work towards six different Theme Awards earning them their Guide Gold Award.

Rangers (14-18 years)

Rangers are aged between 14 and 18 and members are encouraged to take the lead and find new challenges.

As with the younger sections, Rangers is all about having adventures, learning life skills having fun and making friends for life. They also have the chance, if they choose, to gain awards, travel the world and take on leadership roles within Girlguiding.

A big part of Rangers is earning badges. They can gain interest badges for everything from Event Planning and Bushcraft to Costume design and Travel. They can continue working on their Skills Builder journey and work towards six different Theme Awards earning them their Ranger Gold Award.

In addition to these awards, Rangers may also choose to become a Young Leader within a unit, Peer Educators or work towards awards such as their Queen’s Guide and Duke of Edinburgh awards.