County News

Adventure days for Girlguiding Sussex Central

Guiding is all about giving girls the opportunity to challenge themselves, explore the wider world and enjoy the outside whilst having fun.

Over the last few weeks, from the youngest rainbow to the oldest ranger all sections of Girlguiding Sussex Central have had the opportunity to pursue this.

Girls have taken part in Girlguiding LaSER (London and the South East Region) Animal Adventure days at Tilgate Park and Godstone Farm, Blackland Adventure Days at Blackland Farm Outdoor Centre and Canoeing Regattas at Southwater Country Park. In many cases gaining badges for their efforts.

Rainbows and Brownies  from the county enjoyed finding out about wildlife both native to this country and from abroad. One group were particularly fascinated by the tapir at Tilgate park, and comments about the day included,  ‘my unicorn even got a tapir sticker!’ ‘I liked the meerkats’, ‘I thought the big pig was best’, and of course everyone loved their badge!

The first Blackland Adventure Day began with rain but for the 200 Brownies and 60 guides it didn’t dampen the fun. A visit from Philippa Gogarty, High Sheriff of West Sussex gave her the chance to see guiding in action! A second day was exclusively for the older girls. Both groups had fun with the crate challenge, abseiling, and lawn games.

For the regattas, the sun shone. This year’s events, which are annually held at the county canoe club , was part-funded by Girlguiding to celebrate and enable adventure in Girlguiding.

This year’s programme included a duck race, where girls in kayaks used their hands as paddles to collect as many balls as possible from the water followed by a boat race.

Caitlin Fielder, instructor said ‘ For me, the best part of getting out on the water is that the girls get to make new friends and build their confidence’.

Assistant Brownie leader with 1st Henfield unit, Amy Collis agrees. ‘I think girls get confidence doing adventure,’

At the end of a series of hectic and active weekend Wendy Colson, County Commissioner said

‘Doing adventures in Girlguiding offers the girls an opportunity to experience adventure in a fun, safe and controlled way. Many girls don’t get the chance to experience adventure outside of Girlguiding. That’s why it’s so important to provide opportunities within the local area that are easy to travel to, inclusive and affordable.  Of course, none of these amazing events would not be possible if it wasn’t for our incredible volunteers, who not only lead weekly meetings but also give up additional time at weekend for special events.’


2nd Burgess Hill Rainbows at Tilgate – (Photos – Janet Samuel)


Crawley division at Godstone Farm – (Photos- Pauline Hyner) 






1st Hassocks Guides at Blacklands – (Photos – Pennie Thomson) 


1st Holbrook Brownies at Blacklands – (Photos by Caitlin Fielder)


Burgess Hill division Brownies at Blacklands – (photos by Helen Lewis)



1st Hassocks Guides at Southwater– (Photos – Pennie Thomson)








4th Roffey Brownies at Southwater – (Photos – Wendy Colson)
Wolstonbury district Guides at Southwater – (photos by Alison Bishop)