County archive

County Archivist

Deborah Phillips

Girlguiding Sussex Central County is always interested in any material that shows our journey from 1979 to the present day.

To add information or to contact the County Archive team, please email Deborah. 

What's available to borrow

Centenary Merchandise

Contained in a Sussex Central Vision Bag the Sussex Central Centenary goods:

  • 2 teddy bears
  • 1 notebook and pen
  • 2 flashing mobile charms
  • 1 pen
  • 3 pencils
  • 2 Tea Towels
  • 1 centenary badge
  • 3 wooden coasters with Sussex Central centenary logo
  • Treasure chest and scroll
  • A centenary bear key ring
  • A centenary notebook
  • 2 Vision frisbees
  • Centenary 2010 diary
  • CD of Vision

Centenary File

  • Newsletter 138 September 2009 Centenary edition
  • Note from Janet Samuel (CC) re treasure chests
  • Sussex Central Gifts
  • PR files
  • Sussex Central Launches  Including Burgess Hill, Crawley, Haywards Heath, Horsham, South Down, Worth
  • Cuttings from unit centenary articles
  • Sussex Central Events :
  • Rose Planting at South Lodge
  • Tea Parties at South Lodge
  • Rainbow Princess Party
  • Brownies Take Over the Rails
  • Guides Wild & Wacky
  • Senior Section Camp at Blacklands
  • Vision
  • National catalogues, events etc
  • Brownie Magazines   1973 1974 and 1975
  • The Guider Dec 1930, Feb 1933, March, July, Sept 1935
  • The Guider April and May 1981
  • The Guide Magazine  March 14th 1925, Oct 8th, 15th, 22nd,29th, Nov 5th,
  • 12th, 26th, Dec 3rd, 10th,17th,24th,31st 1927. Jan 14th,21st,Feb 4th, 11th,18th, 25th, March 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st, April 7th, 14th, 21st 1928
  • Notebook with cuttings and quotations
  • The Guide April 4th 1952
  • Guiding Magazine Dec 1987 and Feb 1989
  • Todays Guide Diamond Jubilee Issue April 1981  (2 copies)
  • A Correspondence Training Course for District Commissioners
  • Trading Brochures  1978, Centenary brochure, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2018/19, 2019/20
  • Adventure Made Easy 2016
  • Various magazines featuring Sussex Central with articles about Lord Mayor’s Show 2007, Henfield Guides, 100 years of Lower Beeding Guides, Big Brownie Birthday 2014, 100 years Dec 2010, Guiding The Way July 2016, The launch of 40 years of Sussex Central July 2019.
  • Book containing cuttings from Guide magazines
  • Guiding first issue in the new format Spring 2017
  • Senior section CD
  • Video – Guiding for us too
  • Video – Crystal Palace 27th April 1985
  • LaSER diaries 2010, 2015
  • Brownie Guide Promise Certificates
  • Leap Year Challenge 1975
  • Scrapbook of Guiding made by 1st Cuckfield Guides contains a note of their highlights 1952-1955

Minutes of the Division Court of Honour

  • 7th April 1949 – May 4th 1953
  • 17th Feb 1958 – 13th Sept 1966

Minutes of the meeting of Commissioners of Mid Sussex Division

  • 15th Nov 1966 – 6th Dec 1976

Minutes of the District L.A. Exec (South Down)

  • June 1965
  • Sept 1973 – June 19th 1978
  • South Down L.A. Cash Book 1949 – 1976

Minutes of the Guiders of South Down District

  • 14th July 1960 – 18th March 1963
  • 29th April 1963 – 4th July 1967
  • 10th Oct 1967 – July 1969
  • 18th Sept 1969 – 23rd Oct 1978

Mid Sussex Division Minute Book (Commissioners & District Captains)

  • Jan 1926 – 8th March 1949

Mid Sussex Division Minutes     

  • Nov 1925 – March 1938

Mid Sussex Division Notes and papers from Miss Hett and Mrs Netherel

Mid Sussex Divisional Rangers Minutes

  • Feb 16th 1927- Oct 29th1935

Minutes of sub committee for Jubilee Junketings, Blackland Farm 1970

AGM Folder 1952 & 1960

Folder with various papers

  • The  Ashdown Crawl – a Division challenge in 1962
  • Mid Sussex International Camp 1965

File with various papers including census reports 1967

County Accounts Nov 1925 – 1943

Sussex Central Guides Cash Book 1965 – 1995

Cash Book with various investments Dec 1994

Log Book Cuttings 1926 – 1941 (mainly H Heath)

South Down District Log Book 1928 – 1939

Above contains a few added cuttings and South Down District Association Certificate dated 27/2/1930

Mid Sussex Divisional Log Books

  • Vol I
    • 1925 – 1928
  • Vol II
    • 1929 – 1930
    • 1930 – 1932
    • 1933 – 1937
    •  1938 – 1957

Log Book Cuttings for H Heath North District (Forest Ridge) 1926 – 1931

Scrapbook of Mid Sussex Division Camp of the New Horizons 1965

Attended by Olave B-P held at Great Walstead School, Lindfield

Stencil of Mid Sussex Division

Pieces of satin from the Division standard

Old records of members